Thursday, March 31, 2011

Now in Nakuru

Well the adventure has begun!!!!  I didn't sleep well last night because I had slept on the plane.  I was on the internet til midnite then slept a few hours & about 2 a.m. if started POURING RAIN & I woke up & rained almost all night.  We ate breakfast & then left Nairobi at 10 for our 3 hour drive to Nakuru that really took us 4 hours on some small unpaved roads with some REALLY crazy new Kenyan friend Zippee (thats what I call her - her real name is Zipporrah) tells me that driving here is pure madness & all about survival & she is right...all cars converge to the same point on round abouts its like a standoff as to who will edge the other out & of course we were doing all of this is on a "bus" - more like a oversized & very old van. 

On the way we stopped at an overlook of the Rift Valley - it was green & lush & beautiful.  At that stop some Kenyans had "stores" selling items they have made.  Despite the fact Zippee said I was overpaying I just had to but a few things - she said many of these people live on $1 a day - mind boggling.  As we drove we passed all sorts of people just sitting or standing on the sides of the roads or in the grassy areas & many people walking in all directions & I really have no idea where they were headed.  I saw some women w/ bushels of sticks on their backs, men with donkeys & goats, people on bikes & all sorts of slums with a variety of things being sold on the roadside - it was very humbling.  We got stuck for about 20 min where they were doing roadwork - it was a little crazy & we even saw a baboon on the side of the road. 

We got to our hotel & its a little nicer than the one we were at last night which is great since we will be here for 10 nights.  It was nice to get unpacked!!!  I feel like I am very well stocked & have a pantry, pharmacy, medical supply area & kids clothing & toy dept all in my room - my poor roomate - her name is Polly & she is a "visitor" on the mission until 4/7...she "bought" the trip at an Op Smile Auction.  We are right across the street from a "marketplace" with local vendors.  Zippee took me & about 8 other Op Smile team members & she did all our negotiating in Swahili for us - unfortunately one of the locals heard my name & seeing I was making purchases all of a sudden everyone was calling "nancy" come see me - it really was overwelming.  One man Moses made me promise to come back & buy a tie from him to help him feed his 3 boys...I told him I would be back & I will.

Zippee is teaching me Swahili - dont be too excited so far all I know are things you can learn from the Lion King - Jambo=Hello, Rafiki=Friend, & Hakuna Matata...more to come!  We have a team mtg tonight from 8-10 & then tomorrow our wake up call is 5:30, breakfast at 6 & we leave at 6:30 to be at the hospital at 7 & set up the screening area to Open at 8 until 6 pm.  I am told that people will already be there waiting when we arrive & many will have traveled several days walking or on bike or burro to get to us - that in itself brings tears to my eyes & as I think of the rain (its raining again) I think of people walking in the rain today & tonight to get to us. I find my thoughts are totally focused on the mission now knowing that starting tonight that is my purpose for being here.

I will blog again tomorrow if I can but the power here (& in the area we will be working) goes out several times a day as does the internet.  Still no text messages rec'd & fyi I am 11 hours ahead of Calif (8 hrs is from the east coast).  Love you all!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Arrived in Nairobi!

Well I made it to Nairobi….it was a LONG 2 days of travel….Tues noon was LA to Amsterdam = 10 hour flight then Amsterdam to Nairobi = 8 hour flight & with the 8 hour time difference & transit & customs its already midnight on Wed.  I did sleep 6 hours on the Nairobi flight so that was good & I am feeling great & SOOOOOOOOO excited to be here.  But let me catch you up....

My 50 lb suitcase became 65 lbs by the time I kept adding the things I had piled in my room but the KLM Airline folks in LA were kind & saw all my Op Smile Tags on my luggage & didn’t charge me. Now my “carry ons” were another story J I had a standard carry on size roller bag & then a giant Beach bag we usually take boating to carry about 8 folded beach towels in which I placed my backpack, camera, magazines, laptop & everything else that wouldn’t fit in my luggage. I am certain it weighed 50 lbs itself. I tried to pass it off as my “purse” but another KLM guy at the LA Airport wasn’t buying it so I had to get a supervisor to approve it. Then of course I had to carry it on my shoulder as if it was a purse so as to not draw attention that it was a GIANT HEAVY bag!!!

The “international cell phone” Doug got me got from Verizon instantly had no service once I landed in Amsterdam so i was worried...but as soon as I landed in Nairobi I had service & called home.  I have also sent some texts but havent received any texts so someone please text me!!!  You have to put in 011 254 then my # it is supposedly only 5 cents for me to receive a text...not sure what it would cost to send me one???  Didnt think about that!!! & remember I am 8 hours ahead of you. Once I get a text I will let you know so stay in touch & stay tuned re. that.

There we about 15 Op Smile volunteers on my flight from Amsterdam to Nairobi but I didn’t meet any of them till we landed & gathered & we all went together to purchase our Kenya Visa & exchange $. The exchange is 80 shillings =$1 and so I feel really rich!!! We waited for our luggage & I was SO HAPPY to see mine arrive.  No problems going thru Customs - they didnt even ask me ?'s or look in my bags I just walked thru whihc I was grateful for mostly cause once I open a bag I wont get it closed again.  I am glad to know that 75% of all I packed will either stay here in Kenya or be used here & I should be travelling light on the way home.  We took a bus to the hotel in Nairobi & it really isnt bad...running water (you just have to turn water heater on 45 min before you shower), the toilet leaks but not bad & there is a bed...what more could a girl ask for?

I have met about half of the team & they are all REALLY nice...some are first timers like me & some have been on Op Smile Missions before...we will meet outr Kenyan counterparts tomorrow.  Now its time for bed cause we have an early morning tomorrow & a 3 hour bus ride to Nakuru where we will be setting up. So I will update my blog again tomorrow & hopefully have more interesting things to report! THANKS for all the love & support & if you’re in South Orange County check in on my family!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


PACKING...... SO what does 50 lbs = in my suitcase ....112 dresses that the ladies & young women at my church made, , 24 boys T-Shirts (thanks Dawn) 16 books, 18 headbands 10 pair ballet slippers, 8 balls, 6 color books & crayons, 8 trucks,  6 sesame street stamps, 4 slinkys, 36 bubbles (thanks Monique) , 20 pair flip flops, 6 paddle balls, 8 mini frisbees, 20 CHOC T Shirts for the Kenyan Team members, & LOTS of stickers! It was easy to pack that suitcase. Now packing for me has been more of a challenge.....scrubs, clothes for 13 days?, my "nurse" supplies, lots of Purell, medications of every kind in case I get sick, power food (Meal Bars in many varieties, Dried fruit & Trail Mix -(thanks Cheri), crystal light mixes, oatmeal packs, pnut butter etc) I am packing based on the Op Smile list & advice from others.  They say you never know what you will have to eat & sometimes the days are long into the night & you just want something quick to eat & then go to bed. 
My Visiting Teachers from church brought me over some magazines & all sort of great stuff...really I think I am pretty ready - just not organized & I need to get "my lives" organized to be gone for 2 weeks - CHOC, my store, my family etc.....lists all around for everyone - so many details you take care of every day that you never think about. I have been gone for 5 days before but this will be the longest I have ever been away from my family.  They will be fine days 1-5 its days 6-13 that are new territory for all of us.  With Ryan away at school Doug will be in the house w/ 3 teenage/young adult girls....wish him luck - he may need a little break from all the hormones & emotions! The girls are mostly worried that they will have food in the frig & dinner - no worries a Costco run was done yesterday :) & while I won't be filling the freezer w/ meals I will leave a list of ideas for them! As I pack it is really just sinking in that I leave in 2 days...Tuesday morning....WOW!!!   I am both excited & a little nervous at not having any idea of what to expect...definitely an adventure!    

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How this came to be.....

Welcome to my BLOG about my upcoming Medical Mission to Nakuru Kenya Africa.  I have never been a "blogger" so this is new to me but friends have said they wanted to know what goes on on as I prepare & when I'm gone so here goes.

A few of you have asked how this all started so I thought I'd answer that here. Some of you know that in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit I felt an overwelming neeed to go & help so I contacted the Red Cross, boarded a plane for Houston (I had friends there) & basically "showed up" at the Astrodome/Reliant Arena & ended up working/volunteering in the Pediatric Pavillion there for 12-16 hour days for a week - it was a great experience & opportuntiy to serve...I truly felt the reality of the bible verses in Matt 25:34-40...inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me.

After that I wanted to do more & was aware of & checked into Op Smile but the "application process" was cumbersome & I was busy with 4 kids at home. Fast forward to 2009 - I was contacted by the LDS Church Humanitarian Services to be in their Volunteer data base & happily sent in all the required documentation. Early in 2010 the Earthquake hit in Haiti & I was asked to go & help but a week before we were to leave the volunteer need for Haiti missions was canceled & the church was asked to provide other aid. In the Summer of 2010 thru LDS Humanitarian Services & the Navy I was going to volunteer on the USNS Mercy or Comfort Ships & go to Vietnam/Cambodia but the minimum "rotations" were a month & that wouldn't work for me with my son returning home from his 2 year mission. I started to think this just wasn't the "season" for this type of service & maybe I'd go in 3 years after Sarah graduated from high school. 

Then....Nov. 2010 I was contacted by LDS Humanitarian Services & asked if I was interested in co-sponsored medical missions w/ Op Smile - this seemed perfect & I did what I needed to for the simpler application process.  I was told it would be a year before I was likely contacted for a mission but I should look at the Op Smile site to see where/when they went.  It was the holidays so I forgot about it other than once looking at all the places Op Smile was going this summer & wondering where I'd want to go if I could.

January 21st at 7:30 in the morning I checked my email & had one that said are you interested in a Op Smile Mission trip to Kenya Africa in April - I checked the dates, talked to my family & emailed back "yes I am interested".  Less than 30 min later I got an email that said "I am happy to confirm you on Team Nakuru as a Recovery Room Nurse".  I was a little surprised that it all happened so fast!  I hadn't planned on going to Africa or anywhere in particular yet - I thought I had a longer "waiting period" but that wasn't the case.

So in 10 days I am off to Africa to help give 125 new smiles to kids with Cleft Lips & Palates.  It's a completely new experience for me.  I have talked to a few Op Smile Nurses I know from CHOC & still I am a little nervous but I know with certainty that I am supposed to go on this specific mission - I'm not sure why but I know its the right place for me at this time & so FAITH propels me to go & serve.  I am taking the "Healers Art" I learned from Nursing School at BYU & 30 years of being a pediatric ICU Nurse at CHOC an amazing Childrens Hospital with me & hoping I can make a difference, & bring help & hope to the people of Nakuru Kenya.

Sorry this was such a long post but I neded to get the background out there...I am starting to pack & will update again later this week!  THANKS for being interested!  Nancy